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We would love to hear from you.
Feel free to reach out using the below details or fill out a form so we can contact you!

Address: 6700 N Oracle Rd, Ste 236

Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Phone: 520-200-7262


Provider referrals can be faxed directly to 520-447-8608

What Patients Are Saying

At first I was a little hesitant about the idea of pelvic floor therapy. However Monica was there to help throughout the whole journey making sure I was comfortable and not doing certain things on certain days when I didn’t want to. Before PT I was unsure if I would be able to go to college due to my situation but after completing it I am in a way better position and I am able to have control over my situation. She truly helped me and I am forever grateful.

I have struggled with constipation my entire life, and with pelvic PT I am now able to identify the urge, practice proper defecation mechanics, and with biofeedback I had excellent results.  Since the last session, I have felt much more in control of my bowel movements.  I am able to recognize urges better and earlier, and more importantly, I am able to defecate properly, with good (better) posture, pushing in the way that I practiced in therapy.  I highly recommend giving pelvic physical therapy a go, especially if you experience incomplete bowel movements or if other therapies have not been very effective.

What Parents Are Saying

Meeting Monica was one of the best things that has happened to my son in the last 4 years.  By the time we had our first appointment with her, my son was missing a lot of school due to constipation. When my son started to work with Monica she looked at the whole picture and encouraged us to not give up. My son was diagnosed with outlet dysfunction, specifically a problem with the puborectalis muscle. My son was hesitant at first with the therapy, but with time he grew comfortable with Monica and allowed therapy to progress.  Monica never rushed him, and she was always encouraging.  She was not only supportive of my son, but of me as well.  As a parent herself, she knew the stress it was causing me to see my son in pain and not getting results.  It was a frustrating four years getting my son the correct help.  He missed out on so much because of all of his bowel issues. We truly feel blessed we met Monica and had the opportunity to receive her help.